On behalf of the AITPM Board and Team, we extend our sympathy to all those affected by the bushfires across the country. We commend the efforts of all involved in seeking to protect life and property in the face of extremely challenging conditions of the past months, and the months to come. At this time, the importance of resilient communities is highlighted, and the incredible support demonstrated by ordinary citizens, organisations and institutions is testimony to their great strength. We also encourage our members to support the affected communities and businesses as they seek to recover in the months and years to come.
Our climate is changing, and extreme weather conditions are impacting every facet of our society. Transport networks are facing disruption from these changing conditions and events, impacting upon communities and businesses. As these bushfire events continue to unfold it is clear that transformation of the built environment will be needed to adapt to changing conditions. Transport modes and networks are integral to our daily lives but are also contributing to the causes of climate change. It is incumbent upon traffic and transport planning and management practitioners to consider these issues and to support the mitigation, adaption and transformation of traffic and transport planning practice.
Transformation will require both collective and individual leadership. AITPM is committed to providing leadership in traffic and transport by contributing to the development and management of a transport system that benefits all. Through our professional development activities and knowledge sharing we will continue to strive to support our practitioners to deliver high quality, transformative traffic and transport outcomes.
At an individual level, the AITPM also offers our support to any members personally affected by these tragic events. We ask that if you are experiencing financial hardship as a result of these devastating bushfire events, to please contact us prior to membership renewal at the end of March.
To all our members, partners and colleagues, please stay safe and heed the emergency warnings, both in fire danger areas and in smoke affected areas.
For more information on some of the many ways in which you can support Bushfire Recovery Relief go to: https://about.abc.net.au/appeals/?utm_source=abc_homepage_mrec&utm_medium=abc&utm_campaign=locradio-Bushfire-Recovery-Relief&utm_content=donate-now-new-homepage