AITPM Policy and Principles Platform
The importance of the Australian Transport Community in shaping the nation’s transport systems and outcomes

Why are transport systems important?
The impact of a successful transport system shows up as healthy people, communities and economies. Transport links and activates places, enabling people and businesses to access:
- Goods and services
- Jobs
- Education and training
- Health services
- Entertainment, sport and recreation
- Friend and family networks.
AITPM is committed to educating governments and the community on the importance of successful transport systems – and, in turn, a properly resourced Transport Community – in ensuring healthy and prosperous outcomes for Australians.

AITPM’s purpose is to raise the profile of the Transport Community. The community’s practitioners and stakeholders are critical participants in delivering a sustainable, efficient, accessible and safe transport system.
Every day people across Australia’s Transport Community identify, investigate, plan, develop and implement solutions to achieve this. In doing its work, the aims of the Transport Community include:
- Supporting a switch to sustainable transport choices, to help reduce Australia’s emissions and lessen transport’s impact on the environment
- Growing national and community prosperity by enabling the safe and efficient movement of people, goods and services
- Delivering inclusive transport services that provide access to opportunities for all users
- Building the resilience of communities and businesses by ensuring transport networks remain safe and connected under changing external conditions, including natural disasters
- Integrating the movement of people and vehicles within flourishing places in different geographic settings, from cities and towns to rural and regional areas.
Successful transport systems are created through:
- Integrated transport and land use planning at all levels, from future-focused strategic planning to the implementation of site-specific developments
- The application of sound, long-term, non-partisan and evidence-based public policy, with cross-sectoral support
- The systematic collection, monitoring and evaluation of transport data to support decision-making
- The consistent application of a range of appropriate contemporary modelling tools by suitably resourced professionals
- A culture of research and innovation that is collaborative across sectors and disciplines
- Genuine, inclusive engagement, collaboration and co-design activities encompassing all communities and stakeholders
- A holistic ‘Safe Systems’ approach covering all transport infrastructure and operations, and the interactions between people, vehicles and the transport environment
- Sustainable and transparent funding and pricing models that support desired strategic transport outcomes
- A diverse and welcoming community of transport professionals that has the capacity to handle the demands placed on it
- Capable transport practitioners with the qualifications, skills and experience to plan, design, engineer, deliver, operate and manage Australia’s transport systems
- The commitment of governments and industry to educate and support the next generation of transport professionals.
As the national association for transport professionals, AITPM leads the Transport Community in connecting, collaborating and delivering, developing industry skills, capability and knowledge as we create successful transport systems together.
We are the collective voice of the Transport Community, and we advocate for delivering sustainable, efficient, accessible and safe transport systems.

Who is part of the Transport Community?
The Australian Transport Community is made up of professionals from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, including:
- Transport planners
- Traffic and transport engineers
- Land use, transport and traffic modellers
- Road safety practitioners
- Transport economists
- Road and public transport infrastructure designers
- Active transport specialists
- Travel behaviour change specialists
- Transport researchers, educators and engagement professionals
- Transport policy specialists.
To design, deliver and manage transport systems, this community of transport professionals connects to a broader network of professions and suppliers covering these areas of focus:
- Urban and regional planning
- Transport and traffic data collection and analysis
- Modelling programs and resources
- Traffic management and control
- Intelligent transport systems
- Infrastructure supply, engineering and construction
- Transport service operations – from rail through to micromobility.

How AITPM undertakes policy development and advocacy
View our Policy Development Guide
View our Advocacy Guide