Life Membership for Andrew Leedham
September 2023
At the AITPM National Conference in 2023 the AITPM Board of Directors announced Andrew Leedham from South Australia as the latest inductee into AITPM Life Membership. AITPM has now inducted 12 people as life members over our 50+ year history.
Life membership is our highest award and is bestowed on an existing AITPM member who has undertaken an extended high level of service at Branch and/ or National level for the betterment of AITPM. It acknowledges and honours outstanding contributions to the AITPM. The key aspect of the life member award is to consider the impact on AITPM and the industry over an extended period of time.
Andrew has been a consistent and constant in his embellishment and engraining of the core AITPM pursuits of Relevance, Being Professional, Responsiveness, and providing Value for Money, into the fabric of AITPM processes and discussions.
He has been the strength behind governance and finance processes, systems and decisions, but paradoxically has always kept a close eye on the membership interface and ensuring AITPM remains relevant and is value for money.
He most important and impactful work has been in his leading role in the current 8-year governance review (commencing in 2015) and implementation program – including the transformation from incorporated body to a company, preparing the new Board Charter, Code of Conduct, Terms of Reference for several Board Committees, while Chair of the Finance Audit and Risk Committee. Andrew has made a sustained and recognisable contribution which has had lasting and beneficial effects on the function and performance of the Institute and its members. He has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to explore and deliver what is the best for this institute.
His day job has been as a leading nationally recognised senior transport/traffic professional with WSP and an executive with over 40 years industry experience.
To be recognised so unanimously and generously by so many peers in a voluntarily manner and without hesitation is the true testament of one’s achievement – in this case undoubtably beyond outstanding. To wrap up here is a few comments from AITPM peers, regarding Andrew:
- steadfast supporter of the aims, objectives and principles of AITPM
- always passionate on gender balance and diversity
- worthy recipient of the AITPM’s highest award
- outstanding efforts, over the last few decades
- strategic, management and interpersonal skills have been much in evidence in the Board’s outcomes
- Over many years … has been a great asset and contributor to both AITPM and the wider industry
- AITPM would not be where it is today without your leadership and guidance
- A level of commitment and contribution to a volunteer role while balancing work and family commitments stands as an example for everyone young and old to emulate
- it is hard to argue against the fact that AITPM is in a stronger position now than it has ever been
- I have appreciated his mentorship, and I will be forever indebted to you and your support
- Ensuring AITPM remains relevant and is value for money
- The AITPM members and the wider Traffic and Transport industry owe you a great debt of gratitude
- It’s been a mega effort
- a deep thinker, calming influence, a caring and nurturing soul, and a good friend who has thought about AITPM every single day for the past 30 years
- Thank you for your contribution to shaping AITPM into the success it is now
We are all forever grateful and looking forward to continuing to see Andrew at state and national events and providing steadfast mentorship into the future
Paul Smith on behalf of the 2022/23 Board.
Andrew has been involved in every aspect of AITPM life:
AITPM member for 30 years, and a fellow for 13
A formal active involvement in AITPM for 30 years
South Australian State branch and all executive positions
Helping set up and develop the Transport Modelling Group
As convenor and playing a key part in many National Conferences
Sitting on the National Council, now national Board, in many positions including National President
Chairing the Finance Audit and Risk Committees
This has often come with a great personal commitment, taking on numerous tasks and working closely with other Board members to always remain focussed on delivering for AITPM.
This has been demonstrated with a generosity in making time for those who wanted to discuss matters relating to the institute and always being willing to listen to the views of others . Many who have worked with Andrew would consider them to not only be completely dedicated to AITPM but also consider him to be a friend and mentor