From the President - April 2019
Your AITPM Board met in Melbourne on 22 and 23 March 2019. Thanks to WSP hospitality for providing their SouthBank Boardroom for the two days. The ten Directors considered in excess of 20 well prepared reports however the focus of the meeting was on four major items:
1. Striking the 2019-20 National Budget;
2. Endorsing new membership categories for the under graduate to 3 year experience practitioner;
3. Planning for an Executive Officer; and
4. Adelaide Conference (30 July – 2 August 2019).
2019/20 National Budget
The Board endorsed a 2019-20 National Budget which included an operational deficit of $7,550. AITPM has run deficits over the past couple of years as costs have increased and income remained steady. Striking the 2019/20 budget also included an allocation of $155,500 for initiatives to support our Strategic Directions. These funds have been made available through AITPM’s cash reserves and are not included in the 2019/20 operating budget. While the Institute has significant cash reserves, it is not sustainable nor prudent financial management to continue running deficits into the medium term. The 2019/20 budget can be found here.
New Membership Categories
AITPM currently has in the order of 1,000 members, including 148 students. Turning over fee exempt students into financial members once they become employed has long been a major strategic objective. Initiatives such as the Young Professional Network and Young Professional Awards have been successful in retaining students and moving them into fully financial members, however we need to do more. The introduction of a ‘first year employee’ and ‘second year employee’ membership at a 50% and 25% discount (2019/20 $87.50 and $131.25 respectively) is expected to assist the student-to-member transition and thus increase retention. This initiative is being offered in the near future.
Executive Officer
Over the past four years AITPM has been transforming itself to ensure its remains relevant, professional and sustainable in a changing and more demanding environment. This has included moving from an Incorporated Body to a Company Limited by Guarantee, the development of a new Constitution, and election of a Board of Directors. These changes have assisted to more effectively and efficiently deliver on our Strategic Directions however we are still largely, and proudly, governed by a volunteer model which has its limitations. Amongst other recommendations, the Board endorsed to progress with planning for implementation of an Executive Officer. I will provide a more detailed email to all members in the coming weeks on this important initiative.
Adelaide Conference
Over the past four years AITPM has been transforming itself to ensure its remains relevant, professional and sustainable in a changing and more demanding environment. This has included moving from an Incorporated Body to a Company Limited by Guarantee, the development of a new Constitution, and election of a Board of Directors. These changes have assisted to more effectively and efficiently deliver on our Strategic Directions however we are still largely, and proudly, governed by a volunteer model which has its limitations. Amongst other recommendations, the Board endorsed to progress with planning for implementation of an Executive Officer. I will provide a more detailed email to all members in the coming weeks on this important initiative.