Closing Keynote Address & 2022 Young Professional Awards Winners Live Q&A
For the closing session of the 2022 Online Technical Conference Series, our Keynote speaker Dr Alexa Delbosc will provide her insights on the key themes, challenges and opportunities arising from across the 3 weeks of the conference. This will be followed by a Live Q&A session with our Young Professional Award winners for 2022 to hear their thoughts and response to the key themes of the conference and engage in discussion about how AITPM can facilitate skills and career development for young professionals.
Session Outline
- Dr Alexa Delbosc, Monash University
- Gary Wood, AITPM National President
- 2022 Young Professional Award winners:
- Edwin Lai – NSW
- Harry Jorgensen – VIC
- Lucy Mao – SA
- Renata Yap – WA
- Yiping Yan – QLD
Dr Alexa Delbosc, Monash University
Dr Alexa Delbosc
Senior Lecturer | Monash University
Dr. Alexa Delbosc is a Senior Lecturer at the Monash Institute of Transport Studies in the Department of Civil Engineering. She conducts researcher in travel behaviour and teaches Traffic Engineering and Management with an emphasis on managing the system for the needs of all road users.
Edwin Lai
Edwin Lai
NSW Young Professional Award Winner 2022
Edwin Lai is a Graduate Transport Engineer in Jacobs’ Transport Planning team in Sydney. He graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours Class 1) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) with Distinction from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2020.
Edwin first became interested in the transport industry during university and his fascination only grew after studying and interning in Korea and Singapore. He is passionate about improving the connectivity and resilience of communities through sustainable infrastructure and innovative transport solutions, with a strong research interest in emerging technologies including Mobility as a Service, Micromobility and Electric Vehicles.
As a current member of the AITPM NSW Young Professional's Network Committee, Edwin is excited at the opportunity to contribute new ideas and continue the great work of the NSW Branch Committee. He is passionate about giving a voice to young professionals and hopes to inspire greater collaboration between all levels of government, academia and industry to meet the needs of a rapidly changing society.
Harry Jorgensen
Harry Jorgensen
VIC Young Professional Award Winner 2022
After completing a Bachelor of Design in Urban Planning in 2021, Harry joined Ratio Consultants where he has worked for the past five months.
His role at Ratio Consultants is the realisation of a longheld fascination into transport design. During his adolescent years, he used to keep a log on my phone tracking the IDs of trams to understand how the trams (and types of tram) were moving between different lines on my way to school. Earlier than that, his bike -or rather, my insistence on leaving his bike in the lobby - led to the first bike rack being installed in his kindergarten.
Lucy Mao
Lucy Mao
SA Young Professional Award Winner 2022
Lucy joined Be Engineering Solutions (BEES) in early 2020 as an Intern Traffic Engineer and is now part of our 7-person Traffic Engineering team. She has a keen interest in traffic, transport planning and design, and traffic modelling and has been fortunate to be involved in a variety of projects to develop my understanding and application of Australian Standards and Austroads Guidelines.
Lucy has acquired extensive exposure, training and involvement in projects that have provided her with sound knowledge and experience in traffic investigations and assessments, traffic and crash data analysis, development of concept and detailed designs, and traffic modelling. She has also worked on secondment in local governments and have gained a good understanding of governance and community expectations regarding traffic and parking concerns on local road networks.
Renata Yap
Renata Yap
WA Young Professional Award Winner 2022
Renata is currently in her first year as a Graduate Transport Planner within the Infrastructure Advisory Group at AECOM Pty Ltd.
She has a background in land use and transport integration stemming from her Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning at Curtin University, previous studies in property development and land economics, and project management.
Yiping Yan
Yiping Yan
QLD Young Professional Award Winner 2022
Yiping has been pursuing a career as a transport professional since first undertaking Dr Barbara Yen’s Transport Engineering course as part of a Civil Engineering undergraduate degree at Griffith University in 2017.
Dr Yen introduced Yiping to Griffith’s transport research team members and encouraged her to consider transport as a focus. As her interest was so strong, she decided to commute from the Gold Coast to Nathan campus every week to do her Final Year Project with Prof Matthew Burke and Dr Abraham Leung and hang out with their transport PhD students up in Brisbane.
They had just moved into the Sir Samuel Griffiths Centre, a flagship research building for the university, and a great place to study. That’s when Yiping went to her fiirst AITPM events and then decided to apply for a PhD in transport modelling at Griffith. This was on a topic working with and for the Qld Department of Transport and Main Roads, with Mitch Baskerville’s support. That PhD is currently under examination, but she's already secured a great job as a transport modeller with Transurban.