Program Outline
This event involves access to a resource library of all presenter videos listed below to view, along with the recording of the Live Q&A session.
The presentations are now available for AITPM Members and Subscribers to view by logging into the Resources Portal.
View the conference summary keynote by Dr Alexa Delbosc | Monash University
Program - Live Session Presentations
OTCS Opening + Creating Streets for People
- Session Chair - Mary Haverland, Arcadis
- Zarin Salter & Caroline Elliot, Department of Transport - WA Safe Active Streets Program - Creating Safer, Active Streets for Everyone
- Annabel Keegan, & Tim Judd, Phil Jones Associates - Streets for a Healthy Life
- Erin Jackson & Samantha Chapman, GHD Pty Ltd - Unlocking urban opportunities through transport network planning
- Bright Pryde, Aurecon & Ben Cebuliak, Transport for NSW - Achieving a well-designed built environment: NSW Movement and Place Built Environment Indicators
Modelling Data Collection and Workflow Planning
- Session Chair - Dr Ian Espada, SIDRA SOLUTIONS
- Steven Piotrowski, SMEC - Fail to Plan/Plan to Fail
- Marius Roman & Matthew McKerrow, Transurban - Automation of model run, reporting and governance
- Yvonne Chen & Steven Piotrowski, SMEC - Requirements for HTS Data its current use in building transport models and future potentials
- David Brown, Driven Media - Why mentoring must be more than just technical excellence
Thursday 10 November
1.00-2.00pm AEDT
Cycling & Micromobility Planning
- Session Chair - Tim Sullivan, TfNSW
- Dr Alexa Delbosc, Zi Goh & Masha Naseri, Monash University - Do new bike lanes increase cycling during a pandemic? A case study from Melbourne
- Dr Alexa Delbosc & Tiange (Charles) Chen, Monash University - Widening access to shared micromobility: Lime Access in Australasia
- Evi Janse de Jonge & Clare Huggins, Stantec - Adaptive active transport planning for communities
The Provision and Management of Car-Based Infrastructure
- Session Chair - Dr Shantanu Chakraborty, GHD
- Hannah Richardson, PSA Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd & Eleanor Nightingale, Accession Consulting- Sustainable outcomes from contributions in lieu of parking
- Harry Barber, PBA Transit - The fundamentals of a congestion charge. Part One: The cause of congestion
- Tim Boxall & Shannon Batch, PSA Consulting- How Local Government Planning Schemes can influence mode share for the better
Decarbonisation in the Transport Sector
- Session Chair - Tessa Knox-Grant, TfNSW
- Rippan Bhattacharjee, GHD - De-Risking Fleet Decarbonization
- Eleanor Short & James Logie, WSP - Decarbonising Transport - Appraising carbon impacts to make difficult decisions
- Eleanor Short, Harriet Farminer & Daniel Quan, WSP - EV Ready: How to plan a well-designed electric vehicle charging network to support transport decarbonisation
- Dave Keenan, Aimsun - Next Generation Environmental Traffic Management - Case Studies from the UK and Germany
Emerging Modelling Practices
- Session Chair - Professor Hai L. Vu, Monash University
- David Nash, Traffinity & Dr Rahmi Akcelik & Mark Besley, SIDRA SOLUTIONS Use of SCATS MF to Calibrate SIDRA Saturation Flow
- Ahmed Elsergany, Transport Canberra & City Services - Using Strategic Planning Methods for Evacuation Trip Distribution in Riverine Flood Disasters: A Case Study in the Australian Capital Territory
- Bala Arumugham, Tauranga City Council - Find the best Toll Model!
Thursday 17 November
1.00-2.00pm AEDT
- Session Chair - Sela Parlour, Aurecon
- Warwick Keating, SMEC - Interaction of Human Centred Design and Perceptual Countermeasures
- Michael Langdon, TMR - Analysis of the risk of motorist rear-end collision at raised priority crossings - Initial findings of a new safety treatment
- Mark McDonald, TMR - Factcheck: zebras, wombats and false sense of security
Active travel modelling
- Session Chair - Peter Kartsidimas, Infrastructure Victoria
- Teemu Sihvola, Ian McCarhty & Martijn Hollestelle, Ramboll - Simulated bicycle flows from mobile network data
- Ten-Zen Guh, Mott MacDonald - Getting More Value From Pedestrian Modelling
- Dr Afshin Jafari & Dr Dhirendra Singh, RMIT University - The Activity-based and agent-based Transport model of Melbourne: a virtual environment to test the impact of built-environment change interventions on active travel
Public Transport Planning
- Session Chair - Graeme Steverson, WSP
- David Freer, Danks-Freer Pty Ltd - COVID-19 PT Response - An Australian Perspective
- Ben Mason, Anna Wilson & Kael McLeod, Frontier Economics - The coming disruption - The rise of mobility as a service and the implications for government
- John Devney, Stantec Australia - Community Engagement Lessons for Implementing Better Bus Services
Innovative Modelling Techniques
- Session Chair - Nick Veitch, VLC
- Jan Zill, Veitch Lister Consulting - Freezing randomness at the individual-utility level in micro-simulated models
- Lewen Feng, Monash University - An Accessibility-oriented Framework to Assess the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Discretionary Activity Location Choice
- Peter Davidson, TransPosition - The mixed logit model - is it time to move on from logit models?
- Mohammad Saifuzzaman, Aimsun - Aimsun Next Interface with STREAM
Thursday 24 November
1.00-2.00pm AEDT
- Session Chair - John Webster, Mott MacDonald
- Samira Namin, Aurecon - Smart Pedestrian Crossing
- Craig Wooldridge, Main Roads WA, Chao Sun, Planning & Transport Research Centre, James Pearse, Hatch, - Developing Automated Intelligence to Access Conflicts and Behaviours on Shared Paths
- David Barnes, TTM Consulting Pty Ltd - Flip the script on Origin-Destination Surveys
Friday 25 November
1.00-2.30pm AEDT
Closing Keynote Address & 2022 Young Professional Awards Winners Live Q&A
- Dr Alexa Delbosc, Monash University
- Gary Wood, AITPM National President
- 2022 Young Professional Award winners:
- Edwin Lai – NSW
- Harry Jorgensen – VIC
- Lucy Mao – SA
- Renata Yap – WA
- Yiping Yan – QLD