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International Women's Day Series
Opening & Virtual Networking Session |March 2021
Date: Tuesday 9 March
Time: 4.30pm-5.30pm ADST, 4.00pm-5.00pm ACDT, 3.30pm - 4.30pm AEST, 1.30pm-2.30pm AWST
Type: Webinar/Virtual Networking - BYO refreshments
Tickets: AITPM Members: Free | Non Members: $27.50
During the month of March the AITPM will be celebrating International Women's Day with a series of events aimed at raising the profile of women practicing in traffic and transport, and volunteering with the AITPM.
We will be hosting a series of panel conversations and webinars designed to gain greater insight into women in traffic and transport. Held on different days of the week and at different times of the day, we hope to enable a broad range of members, particularly women, to be able to attend at least one session in this series.
Our first session of the series will feature a conversation with AITPM Vice President, Liz McGregor and Chief Executive Officer, Kirsty Kelly where they will share their experiences of the role and value that women bring to both professional practice and to volunteering with organisations like the AITPM. This session will include a virtual networking session where participants will get to meet with others in small virtual groups. Attendees are encouraged to join the session with their own refreshments to get into the networking atmosphere.
Liz McGregor | Stantec | AITPM Vice President
Liz is an experienced professional in the field of transport and transit planning with over 25 years’ experience, working in Southern Africa and Australia.
During this period, she developed her professional standing by offering a comprehensive service in transport infrastructure advisory; from strategic decision making, through to policy formulation and planning studies.
Liz studied in South Africa where she obtained a BA (Hons) and MSc (Eng) from the Universities of Pretoria and Witwatersrand.
She moved to Australia in 2006, where she is now Stantec’s Transport Lead for Victoria, responsible for business growth, client relationship management and technical guidance on projects.
Liz became an AITPM member very soon after arriving in Australia and joined the Victorian committee in July 2006. In 2011 she and Tony Fitts were the convenors of the very successful Annual National Conference held in Melbourne; and in 2013 Liz was elected the Branch President for Victoria.
Kirsty Kelly | AITPM Chief Executive Officer
Kirsty is an experienced leader in the Association and built environment sectors. She has previously held roles as the CEO of the Planning Institute of Australia and the Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand.
She is also an experienced Director, currently serving on the Board of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and with previous roles on boards including the Australasian Society of Association Executives and the Planning Institute of Australia. Kirsty was elevated to Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia in 2017.
Starting her career as an urban and regional planning, she has also worked as a planner in local, state and territory government, the private sector, academia and non-profit associations. During her career, she has collaborated with leaders, governments, industry and professionals across the country to bring about positive change and transformation in the built environment to benefit communities.