Transport modelling in the spotlight
November 2023
Since its inception in 2013, AITPM’s Transport Modelling Network (TMN) has evolved from humble beginnings as a loose sub-group of AITPM members to becoming an integral part of the AITPM. The TMN is dedicated to cultivating and catering for the interests, knowledge and expertise of transport and land use modellers across Australia (and NZ through its alliance with the NZ Modellers User Group (NZMUGS).
Today, the TMN is recognised as a major contributor to the success of the AITPM, the National Conference and the associated Online Conference Series.
At the 2023 National Conference, the Transport Modelling Workshop covering an extensive range of topics and outstanding speakers and panel sessions resulting in record breaking attendance and interest from the broader AITPM community.
The successful hosting of the Transport and Land Use Modelling stream, and the Transport Modelling and Knowledge Sharing Workshops, have featured leading Australia and International keynote speakers and provided a forum for public sector transport planners and modellers from across Australia.
As a result, the events reinforced the contribution of TMN to the AITPM community and transport industry and as an integral part of ensuring the sustainability of AITPM in an increasing contested market.
The TMN covers all aspects of transport and land use modelling and the opportunity for researchers, engineers, modellers and other practitioners from all sectors, including government, research, software development, data collection and analytics and consulting to interact, share knowledge and promote good practice within the modelling community and wider transport industry.
It also has an ongoing role providing guidance on good practice in Transport Modelling to the industry and government to ensure that decision-makers are always provided with advice that is soundly based, trustworthy and fit-for-purpose.
Many individuals have been involved in the establishment and ongoing evolution of the TNM including Dave Keenan, Peter Kartisidimas, Richard Isted, Nick Veitch, Steven Piotrowski, Andrew Leedham, Lindsay Oxlad, James Parrott and Simon Kinnear.